Tuesday, November 5, 2013

Chickpea Salad!

I love a lot of foods and I think if I had to choose a top five they would be in no particular order:

1) Chickpeas
2) Raspberries
3) Chocolate
4) Peanut Butter
5) Quinoa

One of my go-to meals is a chickpea salad.  My favorite is to serve it with marinated tofu (marinated overnight - *see my tofu tip post for more info!), quinoa, and kale sauteed in coconut oil, onions and Braggs soy sauce.

The key to the Chickpea salad is the dressing, and letting the salad sit in the dressing for a few hours before dinner to marinate to let the veggies pick up the flavor.

You can use whatever veggies you like I'm just telling you the ones I like best.  I also don't give quantities for veggies, you can figure that part out for your likes.

Chickpea salad:

1/4 cup Olive Oil
1 tbsp Lemon juice
1 tbsp Vinegar
1 tbsp Water
2 tbsp honey or maple syrup
garlic to taste (I use 1-2 cloves)
salt and pepper to taste

1 can of chickpeas
Veggies!  I use:  Cucumber, red and green peppers, onion (your choice), tomatoes

I love mixing it with the quinoa because the quinoa picks up the dressing, I also like mixing it in with the sauteed kale.

Anyway, have fun with this one, it's super customizable!

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