Sunday, February 17, 2008

Falafel night!

Mmmm.... falafel. So I attempted falafel tonight. It went quite well actually. Would never have gone near as smooth without a food processor (I love you food processor). So this is from Vegan with a Vengeance I can't remember everything in the recipe off the top of my head but I think it's chick peas, bread crumbs, flour, cumin, cayenne, coriander, onions, garlic, & salt. You also have to let it rest in the fridge for a bit first as well as the dressing you put on it.
So this is from Vegan with a Vengeance I can't remember everything in the recipe off the top of my head but I think it's chick peas, bread crumbs, flour, cumin, cayenne, coriander, onions, garlic, & salt. You also have to let it rest in the fridge for a bit first as well as the dressing you put on it (Tahini Dressing where you fry garlic in oil and add tahini, paprika, salt, pepper, & balsamic vinegar, water and blend it all). Then after a 1/2 hour in the fridge you fry em in a lot of oil (didn't say they were super healthy). This is what they look like, draining after the pan frying.
So then you put em in a pita with lettuce, cukes, tomatoes and red onion and drizzle on the dressing. Fantastic. My husband just loved them too, I will definitely make them again!! It may become a Sunday tradition in fact!

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