Monday, January 21, 2008

The beginning of my journey

Hello, welcome to my humble little blog. The time has come for me to take the large jump between vegetarianism and the land with no dairy. I may not yet even understand the consequences of this leap. Hence the name of my blog the undercover vegan. I named it this for three reasons: 1. let's face it, it sounds sweet, 2. I'm not sure of the response of my friends and family so I may have to be under cover for awhile... and 3. As I said above, I'm not even sure I fully know the adventure I'm embarking on so I may have to do some detective work, online reading and literature, watching vegans in their natural environment... etc.

So that's sort of what this blog is centred on, my vegan experiences, recipes (I really enjoy cooking and baking), I enjoy fashion as well so perhaps vegan fashion may be another writing venture, and any other life experiences I may feel like sharing at any point.

Thanks for checking out my blog!

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